Darmstadt Urban Image Data Set
The Darmstadt urban image data set consists of 1572 geo-referenced images of an urban environment covering an area of 360 x 360 square meters (see the Google Earth overview map). At each of the 131 standpoints 12 images were captured in portrait mode at 12 orientations covering a field of view of 360 x 67 degrees (see an example below). All images were taken with a Nikon D80 digital SLR camera with a field of view of 67 x 47 degrees at a resolution of 5.6 megapixel (1944 x 2896 pixels) in April 2007. The positions of the reference standpoints were extracted from the local geodesic map of the city of Darmstadt (land surveying office) with an accuracy of approximately 40 cm.
Please cite the following article if you will be using the DUIS131:
Download area:
- DUIS131 with 1944×2896 pixels (3.73 GB ZIP)
- DUIS131 with 972×1448 pixels (661 MB ZIP)
- DUIS131 coordinates and map overview in Google Earth kmz format (222 KB KMZ)
Sample images from Standpoint 01:

Sample images from Standpoint 50:

For further information contact Dušan Omerčević, Roland Perko or Ulrich Steinhoff.
We would like to acknowledge the help of following people/organizations in acquiring the data set: Steven Reynold and Tâm Huynh.