Collaborating partners
- Joanneum research Graz
- University of Ljubljana
- KTH Stockholm
- TU Darmstadt
- TeleAtlas Gent
- EU FP6 (EU FET FP6-511051)
Vision Technologies and Intelligent Maps for Mobile Attentive Interfaces in Urban Scenarios
EU FET FP6-511051 (

The main objective in MOBVIS was to achieve a theoretical and practical leap in the application of artificial vision in smart mobile applications with a primary focus in spatial awareness and guidance. In order to achieve this goal, MOBVIS concentrated its research on the integration of multi-modal context awareness, vision based object recognition, and intelligent map technology, into an innovative form of an attentive interface, which enables perception and reasoning on a vast amount of data and in a continuously operating framework.
- Joanneum research, Graz, Austria
- Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
- Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
- TeleAtlas, Gent, Belgium
Our scientific contributions lie within the following topics:
- Informative Visual Features
- Image Based Localization
- Recognition of Parts, Objects and Events
- Vision Based Context
- Incremental Updating of the Intelligent Map
- High-level Map Indexing and Retrieval
In the course of the project we have collected the following data sets:
- LUIS34 - Ljubljana Urban Image Data Set
- DUIS131 - Darmstadt Urban Image Data Set
- GUIS107 - Graz Urban Image Data Set
Publications Scientific output of our work within the project is described in these publications: